Dia di Rincon - Reisverslag uit Amsterdam, Nederland van Emma en Lisa - WaarBenJij.nu Dia di Rincon - Reisverslag uit Amsterdam, Nederland van Emma en Lisa - WaarBenJij.nu

Dia di Rincon

Door: Lisa en Emma

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Emma en Lisa

01 Mei 2009 | Nederland, Amsterdam

Heeey everyone!

Here we are again. We honestly didn't have time to fill in our blog so there is a chance that this blog will be very very long again.

We've had 3 wonderful days. Let's see where we left off: As we've been writing in our previous blog, we went to sleep quite early tuesday night. We had to wake up early on Wednesday because we were going to the primary school. We left around 8:30 to town, where we bought some gifts and there was a cruise ship again so it was quite busy in town (unusual!!)
After we did some shopping we drank something at City Café (a café where the other half of the Dutchies go in the evening) together with Peter. But fortunately, it was 10:00 AM so it was not busy at all. After that we went to the primary school where we arrived around 10:45 AM. We went to the playground where the kids were playing during their break. We walked back to the school together with the kids and the teachers, because we had to prepared the materials we were going to use for our lesson. Around 11:15 AM we began our lesson. We first asked the children to tell us their names and age out loud, but all in English. Their assignment was to speak as much English as they could. After that we sang a song with them, called Hokey Pokey. A few of them knew the song already which was quite handy because in this way it wasn't so hard to teach it to them. The song included a dance as propably most of you know, the kids, the teachers and we were all dancing so it was fun! After the dancing we had another assigment for them which was draw your own house and label as many parts of the house as you can. We were surprised by the amount of words they knew and we helped them with spelling these words. We are now happy owners of half of the drawings which we will take with us back to Holland. After drawing we sat down in a circle and did a game which we called word for word. One kid starts with an english word and the kid next to him/her had to form a new eglish word starting with the last letter of the previous word. This was sometimes difficult for them but there were a few very good kids so they helped eachother. We did this game in phonetics because this made it easier for the kids and otherwise there would be a lot of "e's". After this game the lesson was finished because the school ends at 12:30 AM in Bonaire. We stayed a little while to say goodbye and to talk to the kids and after that Peter picked us up again and we went to the boulevard to have lunch at "it rains fishes", the hamburgers and sandwiches were huge and tasted very good! When we had finished lunch we went back home to get ready for queensnight, ofcourse it did not take us the whole afternoon to get ready so we also did some serious chilling as well. Well we celebrated our queensnight at little Havanna together with Adje, the queen, Peter and Irma. We left at 2 PM.

When we woke up we heard the tragedic news about Apeldoorn so this wasn't a happy way to start our queensday. We did not do a lot besides watching the news on television and on the pc till 4 PM when Irma decided she wanted to take us to dia di Rincon anyway. Dia di Rincon is an anniversary in Rincon (one of the two cities of Bonaire) When we arrived we walked on a little market with people selling souvenirs, jewels, food, shoes and that kind of stuff, Emma bought a nice pair of flipflops. We went to the Polarbar where we had a drink and met some people, some of them we had seen before, we were ( again) one of the youngest. We stayed in the bar till the attendance passed. It was normal to join the escord and dance, since Irma is a local we also joined the partying attendance and we danced together with Irma. This was not dancing like the dancing people do in Holland but this was local dancing. We had a lot of fun, due to the fact that we were almost the only non-locals over there. It was fun! Around 10 o'clock we arrived home and we had dinner and took a shower after which we went to bed.

Today we woke up around 8 o'clock and around 11 we went to Donkey beach, which is next to the airport so we could see the KLM plane passing above us. Surprisingly we bumped into Diny and Evert again and they asked us if we wanted to join them to their "private" beach, and their swimmingpool. This sounded very good so we called Peter and went with them. We sat at their beach for some hours and when it was half past 12 we walked to donkeybeach again because the plane was supposed to come between half past 12 and 1 o'clock. We waited for a whole hour when we decided that the plane must have been delayed at Equador so we would go back, and watch the plane from there. Around half past 2 Peter and Irma arrived to have a drink with Diny and Evert and to pick us up, we told Peter that we had been waiting for the plane but that it did not come, his response was: "girls it is friday and the plane never comes on friday" Well...

We had a drink and we went to another attendance, this time in Kralendijk and the purpose was to celebrate the harvest. So there were some people dancing with grain in their hands and a band was playing. It was not as big as in Rincon but it was nice.

Well that was it, tonight we are going out for dinner and tomorrow we will visit Washington Slagbaai which is a nature park, with very very big iguana's (AAAAAAH IEEHHL!!)

Bye for now!

Emma & Lisa

  • 02 Mei 2009 - 07:18

    Tante Jeanne.:

    Hoi, alletwee,

    Wat zullen jullie 'n zwaar afscheid krijgen en een kater als je thuis komt van Nieuwegein tot Tokio!

    Sterkte met beiden....
    Maar in ieder geval zullen jullie veel te vertellen hebben!

    Goede vlucht terug.


  • 02 Mei 2009 - 09:15


    Echte "juffen "zo te horen!
    Maar het is duidelijk dat bij jullie de appel niet ver van de boom valt!
    Veel plezier de laatste dagen, kus van Adri.

  • 02 Mei 2009 - 15:29

    Wil :

    ha lisa en Emma
    Het is hier fantastisch mooi weer dus daarvoor had je niet weg hoeven gaan, maar je kunt hier nog niet aan het strand liggen dus daarvoor had je weer wel moeten gaan.voor de rest hebben jullie het maar saai merk ik ,Aan het strand liggen,dansen,dansen en aan het strand liggen/ ik kan mij voorstellen dat je snel weer terug wil,dus we wachten op jullie
    Groet Opa

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Amsterdam

Stage op Bonaire

Recente Reisverslagen:

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Actief sinds 12 Maart 2009
Verslag gelezen: 1868
Totaal aantal bezoekers 12443

Voorgaande reizen:

18 April 2009 - 05 Mei 2009

Stage op Bonaire

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