Emma and Lisa working at Wil's Tropical Grill - Reisverslag uit Amsterdam, Nederland van Emma en Lisa - WaarBenJij.nu Emma and Lisa working at Wil's Tropical Grill - Reisverslag uit Amsterdam, Nederland van Emma en Lisa - WaarBenJij.nu

Emma and Lisa working at Wil's Tropical Grill

Door: Lisa en Emma

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Emma en Lisa

21 April 2009 | Nederland, Amsterdam


Lets start where we left off. Everytime our host Peter and we go out he knows almost everybody on the island. Yesterday we went to the supermarket and Peter knew only 1 person in the supermarket. He was very surprised when we greeted a couple which we had met at the airport while waiting for our suitcases. The score was 1-1 at that moment, which surprised us all. Last night we had another long night of sleep which we appreciated, doing nothing is so tiring.

Today it was time for us to start working. Emma's day began quite early because of the fact that she can't sleep that long. Lisa, on the other hand, had no problems with this. Around 10 o'clock she finally woke up. We had a warm lunch again containing rice, beef, carrots and baked bananas. Because you can not work without being totally relaxed we went to the beautiful beach of the VanderValk Resort this afternoon where we did some sunbathing, snorkling and drinking cold drinks. The snorkling was amazing: we really did not expect the fishes to come this close, and to be this big. While snorking time was flying. We snorkled for half an hour which seemed 5 minutes. Time passed by so quick and, after some sunbathing, it was time for us to be picked up by Emma's uncle Peter again. We went back to our crib, where we changed clothes into a white t-shirt and shorts, which were needed at work.

Around 16:45 we arrived at our work (Wil's Tropical Grill) and now it was time for us to do some work. One of the two owners of the restaurant, explained us some important things while waiting for a busy night to come. We started cleaning tables and preparing the rest of the restaurant for the guests. Working at their restaurant was fun but quite hard, because of the temperature. The restaurant is an open air restaurant and due to that there is no airco. Though, we worked hard and we served drinks and food as much as possible, and the bosses were quite satisfied.
The restaurant was filled with American guests, either on a holiday or living on Bonaire. We had some nice conversations with them. A woman who was sitting at the bar started talking to us, which was quite nice. She asked us about our schoolsystem and the reason why we were visiting Bonaire. She was also interested in where we lived and our hobbies. Our conversations were not so long due to the fact that the bell (which rang about every minute) rang everytime we needed to serve a dish.
Before working time we sat down at the bar, and there was a man sitting next to us. Quite old, absent minded and looking quite sad. He was an American guy and he seemed to like talking to the bosses of the restaurant. After working time our boss explained us that the American man just lost his wife, which was his only relative on the island, which was very sad.

Around 9 o'clock, which meant 4 working hours, Peter picked us up again and it was time to go home; exhausted even after only 4 hours of working.

It might be important for you to know that Tamarind is a kind of fruit which is well known on Bonaire. Our boss introduced it to us and we were even able to taste it: it tasted GOOOOD!

By the way: We've got a little quiz for you all. We both counted something: Lisa counted 20, Emma counted 35. What are we counting, what are we talking about?
Do you know the answer? SMS your answer followed by # to number 344543 573337586555832

(This may seem like a joke, by it ain't!!!!)

Well, we really enjoyed our working day and soon we will upload some pictures of the atmosphere we're working in.
By the way: today Lisa got sunburnt!!!!

By by the way: The day before yesterday we met a Dutch woman who could offer us a little job at a local primary school here, which seems very nice! We might visit the primary school tomorrow or the day after to inform about a lesson which we are planning to give there!!!

Oh, and today, on the beach, we bumped into the stewardess who offered us the drinks and our meal during our flight from Amsterdam to Bonaire. ODD!!!

Emma & Lisa

  • 22 April 2009 - 05:30

    Arno En Ingrid:

    Ik kan mij goed voorstellen dat 4 uur werken in een openlucht reataurant met die temperaturen erg vermoeiend is.Maar na gedane arbeid is het goed rusten...
    Wel grappig dat jullie overal al "bekenden" tegen komen.Lisa even een paar dagen zonder je mams op skipe...
    Ik vlieg zo naar Talinn en hoop daar ecrgens een computer te vinden om jullie komende dagen te volgen!!
    En denk erom blijven smeren hoor met minstens factor 30...
    Heel veel liefs en dikke kus Ink en Arno

  • 22 April 2009 - 13:00


    Uitslag quiz:

  • 22 April 2009 - 13:03


    Oh ja....wat is de hoofdprijs? ( weekje Bonaire?)

  • 22 April 2009 - 17:40


    Hoi Chicka's,

    ik heb het helemaal gelezen en het klinkt erg nice, ECHT NIET JALOERS! ghehe

    Hoe bevalt het huisje? en is Irma aardig?

    Nouuuuu heel leuk verhaaltje en ik hoop snel wat van jou te horen via e-mail ofzo, WANT JE ZOU ME NOG BELLEN ARG...
    Neem het je verder niet kwalijk hooowrr(K)

    Nou ik hoop ook voor jou Lisa dat je je plek een beetje vind in de familia aangezien het toch emma's oom is, maar dat zal wel zo'n spontane meid ghehe.

    Nou hele fijne dagen!

    Kusje, pieterman

  • 23 April 2009 - 17:40


    Hoi Emma en Lisa!

    Het klinkt echt supergaaf! Hoop dat jullie nog twee leuke weken hebben!!!!!


  • 23 April 2009 - 22:46


    waarom is alles in het engels....ik begrijp er niks van

  • 24 April 2009 - 14:04

    Emma En Lisa :

    Dat is omdat we hier zijn voor onze stage voor het tweetalig onderwijs, dus kunnen we onze berichtjes helaas niet in het Nederlands posten (en om het nou te gaan vertalen is ook zo'n hele klus). Helaas, maar het is wel heel erg goed voor je Engels!!!!

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Amsterdam

Stage op Bonaire

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Actief sinds 12 Maart 2009
Verslag gelezen: 180
Totaal aantal bezoekers 12483

Voorgaande reizen:

18 April 2009 - 05 Mei 2009

Stage op Bonaire

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